RealBridge Trial Session on Thursday

Dear Member,

As promised we have set up a trial session on Real Bridge which will take the form of a 12-board pairs event. Play will start at 2pm on Thursday 4th Feb and is free to all club members. To join the session, simply paste the link below into your browser. You can enter the forum up to 30 minutes before play starts and will be able to see and chat to people once you sit at a table.

The link for players is: [click here…]

The software is very easy to use, and there are very good explanations available on the Real Bridge website [click here…] Some additional notes are appended below. I would draw your attention to section 5 “SET UP ISSUES” particularly if you use a Mac or iPAD. Don’t try to join on your phone as chances are it will not work.

I hope very much that you will be able to join in and will enjoy the event and look forward to your feedback.

Margaret Hodder
