The annual memorial to Jamie will take place on Sunday 17th of June at 1.30pm at The Bridge Club, Aberdeen. Jamie’s mother Beth wishes our dear bridge friends who have passed away this year, to be included in our thoughts. This year’s competition will also honour the memory of Myra Kinmond, Eileen Martin, Jim Smith, Jenny Steel, Charlotte Fraser, Audrey Pennie, Allan Yule , Bill Innes and others who have sadly passed away this season.
The tournament will be a Perfect Swiss Teams event where entrants will be captained by an expert and will play with three other team members. We are very keen for our novices to take part also. Please enter as an individual and we will team you up. North District is very grateful to Jamie’s family who continue to support us with prizes . The money raised will go to support our juniors and a charity of the winning team’s
Please contact Anne Coles at if you wish to enter or add your name to the list at the Bridge Club. Entry will cost £5.00.
Donations towards a raffle and small donations of snacks would also be most appreciated.